- Hae meille Opiskelu lukiossa Kuvataidelinja Kansainvälisyys Opiskelijakunta ja tutorit Oppimisen ja hyvinvoinnin tukeminen
- Hae meille Opiskelu yläkoulussa Suomi-englanti -kaksikielinen opetus Kansainvälisyys Kuvataidepainotus Oppilaskunta ja tukioppilaat Oppimisen ja hyvinvoinnin tuki

Briefly in English
Helsingin Uusi yhteiskoulu (HUYK) is an independent school in Pihlajamäki, Helsinki, providing lower and upper secondary school education. There are approximately 300 pupils studying in grades 7–9 and 250 students enrolled in upper secondary school education.
Our lower secondary school serves as a local school for children living in the school admission areas of Pihlajamäki and Pihlajisto. The school also offers bilingual education in Finnish and English as well as a specialisation in Art. Those applying for the bilingual or the Art programme will have to pass aptitude tests in order to enrol at the school.
The upper secondary school offers both general education and an Art programme. At the end of their studies students will be qualified to apply for further education at universities, universities of applied sciences and vocational schools.
Our school building is modern and spacious, and both the interior and the facade are newly renovated. The surroundings offer many places of interest suitable for school visits during the school day, and destinations further away are easily reached thanks to excellent public transport connections.
Helsingin Uusi yhteiskoulu was founded by Lucina Hagman in 1899 to promote female education in particular, which is why equality is one of the core values of our school.
Spiritual enlightenment and natural light have one thing in common: they radiate luminescence all over, in every direction.
– Professor Lucina Hagman, 1897 (free translation)